As these products can also interest our clients we’d like to present to you the new range of ambulance clothing of our parent company SIOEN Apparel. The range of SIOEN Apparel has included for many years now specific clothing for medical intervention teams. This offer has now completely been renewed to meet the demand. You can download the data sheets of the products below.
Missions often have to be conducted on public roads and legislation requires relief workers to wear specific clothing with a high visibility (class 3). The new SIOEN products meet the demands of the new EN ISO 20471:2013 standard. In addition they can be recognized by the new colours that were prescribed on a national level.
In the development of the new products, the specific needs of the wearers in the field were taken into account. Comfortable clothing protects you from rain and cold in winter and in summer light and breathable materials are required. The clothes offer an optimal protection against the transfer of microorganisms and they are resistant to industrial laundering. Because relief workers often have to intervene in difficult circumstances (road accidents...) we chose materials with a high mechanical strength.
For an optimal protection other personal protective equipment such as disposable gloves and safety shoes have to be worn.
Download our ambulance clothing leaflet