Corporate governance

At Sioen, our governance principles ensure transparency, accountability, and integrity, guiding us towards responsible leadership and ethical business practices.

A new Belgian corporate governance code has been issued since 2020. The company applies the Corporate Governance principles laid down in the Corporate Governance Charter.

Pursuant to article 3:6 § 4 of the Code of Companies and Associations, a declaration in respect of non-financial information is included in ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’. This will facilitate the understanding of the development, the results and the position of the company as well as the effects of its activities relating to the social, employee and environmental matters, the respect of human rights and the fight against corruption and bribery. Also some information regarding the diversity policy of the company, in accordance with article 3:6 § 2 6° of the Code of Companies and Associations, is given in ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’.

Corporate Governance Charter

The Sioen family has been supported by external, independent Directors since 1986. Their expertise and experience contribute to the proper and effective management of the company. On 22 March 2005, the Board of Directors adopted a Corporate Governance Charter, in accordance with the Belgian Corporate Governance Code.

The Corporate Governance Charter has been in force since the General Shareholders’ Meeting of 2005. Since the Corporate Governance Charter came into effect, a number of minor amendments have been made to it, reflecting changes to the environment, such as the dematerialization of shares, or a small change in the shareholder structure. A last update of the Corporate Governance Charter has been approved by the Board of Directors on 29 August 2024.

Board of directors

Sioen is committed to the highest governance principles and seeks to consistently enhance corporate governance performance, emphasizing transparency and promoting a sustainable culture of long-term value creation.

Sioen’s governance bodies are responsible for the Group’s long term approach, pursuing the vision of Sioen’s founders, and implementing the strategy. The Board of Directors is entrusted with steering the strategic development of the company while advising the Management Committee, which oversees its business operations.

Code of conduct

Guidelines on how all directors, officers, managers and employees of Sioen worldwide should act, can be found in our Code of Conduct. It describes how everyone at Sioen should behave, and it provides more information on our compliance with legislation. It is mandatory to keep to the code of conduct.

Download our Code of Conduct