Journées thématiques 2013 - A retrospective

20 June, 2013

The 9th and 10th of April our 10th journées thematiques took place, co-organised by Soldats du Feu Magazine and in cooperation with Dupont, Orafol, Magnum, Renault, Sofileta Somatico and Vidal Protection of the SIOEN group.

This year the central topic was the rescue of the rescuers. It focused on preparing firemen to confront new risks but also to face an accident in which the casualties would be firemen.

Day 1

In addition to the contest for the fire fighters of Moeskroen, the Soldats du Feu Magazine team had prepared a demonstration that would serve as a starting point for the journées.
There was a fire of an electric car of the Renault brand on the programme with the risk of propagation to a residential building.

The increasing number of hybrid or electric vehicles is one of the principal worries of firemen. When, during an intervention, an electric vehicle can be extinguished in less than thirty minutes, it is not different from extinguishing a classic car with a combustion engine...

The large battery under the Renault Zoé causes a thermal runaway. According to the tests performed by the engineers of the company in Losange, this explosion occurs about half an hour after the start of the fire.

Day 2

Several conferences took place during this two days: the rescuing of the rescuers by Ronan Vinay, consultant for Soldats du Feu Magazine; the extinction of electric vehicles by Claire Petit-Boulanger, project manager road safety and finally the conference by Paul Brooks from Magnum about the future of footwear for firemen.

Thanks to your presence and your remarks, these days were a success. Thank you!