Playford now also proved what it stands for in real life working conditions. This multi-norm softshell jacket protected a worker that was wearing it while he was exposed to a violent ARC flashover that occurred while preparing an electrical installation for maintenance.
On Sunday, November 8th, 2015 at 7:10 am, intervention works were planned on a 15 kV electricity network in Belgium. This intervention was executed by the Distribution Network Service (DNM) Résa in order to isolate a high voltage electricity cabin for maintenance.
During these preparation works a malfunction of the electrical equipment occurred. This malfunction caused a short circuit phase/earth with Icc = 305,27 A and a Pcc = 2,71 MVA.
The technician in charge of this isolation was exposed to a violent electrical flashover as a result of this short circuit of the high-voltage equipment. In compliance to the safety procedures the technician was wearing all the required P.P.E. for this mission, including Sioens’ Playford jacket.
The electric arc caused by the short circuit hit the technician at the torso and head. However, thanks to the efficiency of the selected P.P.E., no injuries were to be deplored.
The Safety & Health department of the Distribution Network Service (DNM) Résa consciously and permanently searches personal protective equipment to protect its’ workers against the most important safety risks they could be exposed to.
After thorough examination of the circumstances of the accident the Safety & Health department stated and confirmed that the Sioen “Playford” jacket perfectly fulfilled its role and efficiently protected the worker from serious injuries.
In conclusion and very important to realize: the efficiency and the value of a P.P.E. to its’ wearer is only measured when it is worn! Only then one can rely on it to offer the required protection when accidents occur.
Playford, without a doubt one of the flagship multi-norm products from Sioen, has a sporty appearance but offers at the same time a very high level of protection against a multitude of possible hazards where a worker could be exposed to. The multi-norm softshell jacket performed a 100% according to the highly technical specifications it was designed for in real working conditions
Find out more here about the technical specs of this fantastic, life saving multi-norm softshell jacket.