On 30 and 31 March, SIOEN and SOLDATS DU FEU magazine organized theme days on road rescue.
More than 100 people – professionals in the rescue and fire sector, came together to share their knowledge during those two days.
A dozen new cars and light trucks, which came straight from the crash tests, were entirely cut by some of our guests.
Besides the most modern equipment, the PPE’s were also discussed during a debate. Which is the most suitable intervention suit?
Should we wear a fire-fighter suit, or is a non-fire-resistant suit convenient for those kind of interventions?
Should we wear a type F1 or F2 helmet?
Even if the opinions were divided, they were unanimous concerning a specific suit to wear during road rescue operations.
Four conferences gave the participants enough substance to debate on following topics: road rescue operations on all types of vehicles, norms of the helmets and the evolution of the trauma of traffic accidents.
Exchange and understanding are the keywords of our theme days. See you next year at our fourteenth edition.
For more photos of the event, visit the Journées thématiques 2016 set on Flickr.