Together with the SDIS of la Vienne, la Fédération Nationale des Sapeurs-pompiers, le Comité Technique International du Feu (CTIF), la DGSCGC and l’ENSOP, Vidal will participate at the ‘Technical Days’, a conference and exhibition on emergency intervention solutions.
These days will take place in the department of la Vienne (France) from the 24th until the 26th of May 2016 in the firefighter education center of la Vienne. The central theme of this year’s edition is: “Emergency Interventions from vehicles”.
The event offers Vidal the opportunity to present its state-of-the-art PPE for firefighters. With our specialized equipment we want to make vehicle extrication a much safer job for rescue workers. We’re confident that our solutions will add much appreciated value to the ‘Technical Days’.
More information on the event can be found on the SDIS-website.