For Sioen, clear communication in direct lines is essential. For many years now, we organise “topteams”, continuous improvement projects with close involvement of all our workers.
We are convinced that this contributes to the success of the company. This vision sprouts from the family traditions since the startup of the company in 1960. Ever since, direct communication in a flat hierarchy has been maintained.
People talk to people, knowing each other, knowing what the other is doing, knowing the company, the vision, the products. It all contributes to excellence, both favouring the company as well as the employee. The whole ‘Coolbox’ idea, sprung out of one of these “top teams”, from and for employees.
‘Coolbox’, is the name the employees have chosen themselves for this communication hub. It stands for Communication in the Organization to improve Quality for a Lifetime. It will be a meeting place for shi switches, in a five minute debrief the change of shi s will be supported with visuals and data: KPI’s, speedindicators, loomdata (this is the ‘state’ per weaving loom).
There will be a screen dedicated to internal memos, company information, general quality guidelines. And everything live available at all times.