As the market leader in professional protective clothing complying to European norms and regulations, we will of course be present again at Préventica. This is a trade fair for industry professionals in France that tackles all aspects of safety and security at work.
Safety maker is not a hollow indication for what we do. Since the early ‘60 of last century, we’ve been specializing in the design and production of professional protective clothing. Today we offer the widest range of garments, protecting the wearer in any working condition and against any risk.
The physical conditions of the workplace and physical demands of the job are often very demanding. Exposure to the elements, the size of the space in which a worker must perform the job, exposure to fire and water and even bullets, exposure to potential toxins, allergens, mechanical hazards (chainsaws, rotating blades, machines) and what kind of physical strain a worker can undergo are enormous. Each situation requires the apt protective garment and that is exactly what we can offer.
Sioen produces professional protective clothing that protects you in any working condition. Our range includes:
At Préventica we will especially focus on our multinorm range, protecting workers in high risk situations, where they are exposed to a multitude of risks, including flames, electric arches and chemicals.
All our brands and ranges include bodywear (waistcoats, T-shirts, polo shirts, underwear), thermal wear (sweaters, body warmers, softshells, fleeces), workwear (jackets, trousers, coveralls) and rainwear (jackets, capes, aprons, trousers, coveralls, bib & braces, leggings, waders)
This large choice allows you to dress in layers, something we always advise. By dressing in layers, you can be your own thermostat: you regulate your own comfort by adding or removing layers according to the weather conditions and to your needs. Dressing in layers gives many advantages:
Our team of experts in safety and protection will welcome you at our stand number J64 at Preventica from 8 until 10 October. They will be glad to advise you on any of your safety issues.