At Veranneman Technical Textiles, we have successfully completed the 'Together for Sustainability' audit. Our score of 98% proves our active commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability.
Together for Sustainability or TfS is an international organisation for chemical procurement specialists. Its members are committed to building sustainable chemical supply chains, complying with legal requirements and responding to society's expectations. Through assessments and audits, the organisation supports its member companies to assess, monitor and improve sustainability practices within their global supply chains. "A successful audit gives your trading partners the necessary guarantees that you as a company - like your suppliers - take responsibility in terms of corporate social responsibility," explains our quality and improvement manager Jean-Luc Dejaeghere.
The two-day audit took place in mid-February. "An external auditor screened our performance on management, environment, health & safety, labour & human rights and governance. The other themes - quality and production - were scrutinised somewhat less strongly, given our ISO 9001 certification," Jean-Luc says.
Strong procedures
Our company passed the screening with flying colours; we achieved an overall score of 98%. "With 60 employees, Veranneman Technical Textiles is a smaller organisation, but we can rely on a dedicated team of experts in the overall Sioen group. We therefore owe this great final result to the efforts of all our departments, which had strongly developed procedures for the topics covered."
The screening report is available to all members of the TfS organisation. By sharing member companies' results, TfS aims to encourage cooperation within the industry and strive for continuous improvement. "For potential and existing customers and suppliers, the final report provides assurance that we at Veranneman Technical Textiles take a thorough, forward-looking view of sustainability. For us, this is a confirmation that our way of working is the right one and that, as a textile industry, we can easily stand comparison with multinationals in the chemical industry," Jean-Luc concludes. A new audit is scheduled in three years' time.